07901 235886

Slavery and Human Trafficing Policy

Hughie Construction Ltd are committed to preventing the use of forced, bonded, or indentured labour, involuntary prison labour, slavery or trafficking of persons. As such we look beyond strictly economic objectives and minimum legal requirements and consider the wider implications of our business decisions.

We have an ethical trading policy and take into account our supply chains ethical trading policies as well as our own. Hughie Construction Ltd is committed to monitoring standards in our supply chain, and we encourage our suppliers to operate the same standards we employ ourselves.

We will not use or tolerate the use of forced, debt bonded, indentured labour, involuntary prison labour, slavery or human trafficking in our business or supply chain. This includes the recruiting, harbouring, transporting, providing, receiving, or obtaining a person by the use of force, fraud, coercion, abduction or fraud for the purpose of involuntary servitude, debt bondage, slavery or similar.

We will never place any unreasonable restrictions on our workers freedom of movement or any unreasonable restrictions on entering or exiting facilities we provide. All work within our company must be voluntary.

We will not destroy, conceal, hold or otherwise deny access by employees to their identity documents or passports, work permits or drivers’ licenses regardless of the situation. Except were documents have to be held as required by the law.

With respect to our suppliers that may need to source and hire foreign migrant workers, the supplier shall provide the migrant worker with a written employment agreement in their native language that describes the terms and conditions of employment. The supplier shall provide this agreement to the migrant worker as part of the job offer process and the worker shall sign it prior to departing from his or her country of origin.

If we use migrant workers we will not allow them to pay for their employment. Any recruiters used to source workers must comply with any local laws of the country where the recruitment takes place.

The costs of recruiting and hiring, transportation (to facility and return home), or any government imposed fees shall be paid directly by the supplier. Any fees charged to the workers must be disclosed and returned to them. Workers shall not be required to post any bond or make any deposit.

The worker shall not be required to participate in any savings program unless required by law. Working conditions, pay, benefits and treatment of migrant workers must be the same as local workers. Worker dormitories contracted or provided by the supplier or a labour agent are to be maintained clean and safe, and provided with appropriate emergency egress, hot water for bathing and showering, and adequate heat and ventilation and reasonable personal space.

We conduct ongoing training for our employees so they are aware of our commitment and policy on slavery and human trafficking.

We also have procedures in place to report potential ethical, legal or regulatory violations related to our suppliers.

Richard Kirk

Date: 2nd January 2025

07901 235886

Unit 20, Carrwood Road, Grange Lane Ind Est, Barnsley, S71 5AS