07901 235886

John Davey

Senior Quantity Surveyor
1949 to 2024

We are sad to announce the death of our colleague John Davey, a valued team member who was not only our esteemed colleague but also a cherished friend to many of us. In our shared time at Hughie Construction, John left an indelible mark on our lives, both professionally and personally.

John embodied what it means to be a Quantity Surveyor. His extensive knowledge and experience cut across all sectors of the industry, ensuring projects and services met the highest standards of compliance, contributing to the achievement of maximum accreditations.

His skill was unmatched, and John worked hand in hand with our clients' professional teams, providing them with flexibility and contributing to best working practices without compromising on the quality.

But perhaps the most significant impact John had on us was the way he faced challenges. In the face of adversity, he showed remarkable resilience and strength. His ability to remain optimistic, to find solutions amidst problems, was not only admirable but also motivated us to stay positive during tough times.

As we remember John, we must also celebrate the life he lived. While we mourn his loss, we should also take comfort in the countless memories and the lasting legacy he leaves behind. His life was a tapestry of rich experiences, meaningful relationships, and impactful contributions.

His dedication to his craft, commitment to our team, and unwavering integrity are what we will remember most about John. His legacy within our organisation is immense and he will be sorely missed.

Richard Kirk, Director of Hughie Construction, provides his own reflection on John’s legacy within the organisation: "I'm struggling to put into words what John meant to me. He was the person who I turned to first for advice, the support he gave me was invaluable. I will miss his professionalism and his sense of humour. He was a work colleague, but most of all he was my friend. I will miss him dearly.""

07901 235886

Unit 20, Carrwood Road, Grange Lane Ind Est, Barnsley, S71 5AS